646f9e108c A team of scientists go to a nuclear mining facility to investigate a possible meltdown and instead find a large amount of cloned dinosaurs. Well, I&#39;ll give this movie a break since it was by a different director. In fact, all 3 of the not-so-thrillogy movies are by different directors, which says a lot for the film. Anyway, the film. Somehow the diabolical dinos (about 2 species. Count &#39;em. 2.) have escaped death and now are kicking around in a secret base in the Nevada desert. A few attack some guys who have nothing to do with the secret base, and the 3 Stooges&#39; equal to a SWAT team is called in. Lotsa blood, bile, and other wonders of the human body follows. The &quot;climax&quot; (Although I could barely call it that) involves blood, bile, and things blowing up. Afterwards, the ending involves blood, bile, and things falling down things. An all-around terrible flick that could easily made it to Mystery Science Theater 3000 if not for all of the blood, bile, and wooden acting. The only reason I&#39;m writing this review is to warn any poor souls that might bump into this piece of trash in a video store.<br/><br/>This movie is a scene-by-scene rip off of ALIENS (1986) The only difference is that they replaced the aliens with dinosaurs…please do yourself a favor and see the new Directors cut of Aliens on DVD and VHS that inspired this sad mess and enjoy a REAL movie for once.
Spamentordi Admin replied
338 weeks ago